Fatboy Slim, UK, Lives in Brighton DJ and Producer

HOW MUCH change do you have in your pocket?
Not a cent!

What do you like to change into after a show?
I would love to change straight into my pyjamas but I keep my civvies on til I get back to the hotel, I’m not very rock n roll these days. Stopping drinking has put an end to the after show shenanigans…

The last change you made to your home and studio...
The last big change I made to my home was turning the party room into a family lounge. My studio is very resistant to change, it doesn’t like new equipment or technology coming in and it doesn’t like to be cleaned or tidied.

A change you see in your physical appearance recently?
Well, since I quit drinking I’ve got much fitter. I ran the Brighton Marathon last year, so I’m about as slim and fit as I have been in the last twenty years.

If you could change into someone else it would be...
Colin Firth..I admire him and think he’s very handsome and intelligent with a lovely wife and kids. If youre reading this Colin, I’ll swap you any day for a week.

Yeah, you could do an episode of Wife Swap..The biggest change you see in your industry right now?
The death of selling music. And the rebirth of live music and parties. When I was younger you played gigs just to sell your records and you’d lose money. And now you don’t have records to sell but you make money cos people still want to go out and party.

Jesus changed water into wine. As a bit of a God yourself, what would you turn water into?
Sparkling water! Put a bit of fizz into it!

If you could change one thing about today it would be…
I would have had a lie in...

The most monumental change in your life to date is…
Getting married and having children!

A change that you have seen in Ibiza in the last years...
Less English beerboys; it’s becoming more like the Ibiza that we first went to, the glamorous international clubbers jet set. I mean, the English did take over for a few years and we’re never going to say bad things but I think with the benefit of hindsight it’s much better now....


Read 7182 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 11:38