The 3 Changes of RAW CHANGE

RAW CHANGE at Space Ibiza has changed the landscape of the White Island. Nothing will ever be the same in Ibiza, and today you have a new opportunity to enjoy the final stretch of the revelation party of the season. Want to know what has changed? Let us explain.

1. The value of national artists has changed

No one had dared until now to give an integral musical responsibility of a party in Ibiza to Spanish DJs. RAW CHANGE has placed the value of art and professionalism of those who defend electronic music in Spain.


2. The protagonist of the party has changed

There is no turning back, you are the protagonist of Raw Change. The evening revolved around the audience, introducing a dream where there are no borders between reality and dream. An experience that goes beyond what you know.


3. The price has changed to enjoy a party in Ibiza

If you are a resident of the island, the admission for RAW CHANGE will cost you 0€. There are no excuses for you not to dance every Wednesday at Space Ibiza.


RAW CHANGE, in just the Closing party away, and is the benchmark for the season. Danny Ocean, Camilo Franco, Alex Under and coolMachines will be there today, September 2nd forming part of the change. Want to join? Buy your tickets for RAW CHANGE and experience the unseen at Space Ibiza.


Read 6380 times Last modified on Friday, 04 September 2015 13:01