25th Anniversary Space Ibiza: The Story of the Best Club in the World

fotos-presentación-libro-2014-09-23-20The prèmiere of the book 25th Anniversary Space Ibiza: the Story of the Best Club in the World, 1989-2014, which pays tribute to Space Ibiza's 25 years of age and collects the experiences of its founder Pepe Roselló, was held on Tuesday, September 23 at 8:30PM on the legendary terrace of the club.The significance of Roselló’s work for the electronic music industry and the historical legacy of Ibiza as a musical reference were underlined topics in all the speeches made during the presentation.

It all went well in a familiar environment, where the founder of Space Ibiza was accompanied by faithful friends like Juan Suarez, responsible for leading the presentation; Mrs. Carmen Ferrer Torres, Ibiza's Minister of Tourism; Carl Cox, emblematic DJ of the Platja d'en Bossa club and a great friend of Pepe; Juan Oleaque, journalist and author of the book; the honorable Mr. Vicent Serra Ferrer, President of the Consell d'Eivissa; and Germán León Maria Pina, public notary and personal friend. Furthermore, delegates from more than 30 media, industry friends, representatives of labels and music media, promoters, DJs, agents and renowned artists attended the event.

Here you can read the words of Pepe Roselló, Carl Cox and Vicent Serra:


"Carl Cox is an avid music artist appearing in Ibiza in the 90's and fell in love with the island both physically and culturally, which matched a set of circumstances has made Carl feel that his future is to stay and be accomplished in Ibiza.This multicultural environment, with people from many different backgrounds who enjoy music as a bond and share the same feelings and the same emotions, is his place.

With his electronic music, Carl Cox is an undisputed number one for his professionalism, skills and ability to transmit while at the same time passionately makes his audience vibrate - an audience which loves and admires him.

Throughout his career, Carl Cox has been an act of sincerity and loyalty to Space Ibiza.Today Carl Cox is a symbol for all disc jockeys who have passed through the Platja d'en Bossa club during its entire history, all have been seen as examples of all the virtues of a great professional and a great person."


"2014.10.21 - space ibiza - presentacion libro discursos 3This book we present today offers a sincere testimony of the evolution of music and how the trends have influenced and changed the island during the last fifty years.The book offers a variety of concepts and images that need to be interpreted because we do not want to explain too much. People, environments and photographs are not cataloged with few exceptions. Text plus images is expression and this is how we designed and developed this book, which only lacks music and voices accompanying them to sing and dance with you during times that are distracting and enjoy the joy that breathes and transmits the content.

Ibiza's is a powerful brand that is felt and known throughout the world and sounds like a tuned bell, like a kiss in every language.

The Consell Insular, an organization that protects and cares for the image of Ibiza, understands that music is an added value and an inestimable cultural value to the promotion and development of tourism in the island. I have two trademarks to offer for the Consell to protect and safeguard them. They are:


Both names express what could be accomplished with them. I want to say that over the years we have been and we still are at the service of the Ibizan society. This is the spirit that guided and accompanied us in the tourism development of the island, in addition to providing our solidarity in social issues and sports."


fotos-presentación-libro-2014-09-23-11"This is one of those situations where I wish I learnt Spanish at school: today I would love to express how I feel about Space Ibiza and Pepe Roselló.

What’s really bizarre, Pepe, is that where we now are, for me, it’s where it all started. 25 years later, we are sitting here with the history of what we’ve created, not just for ourselves but for the island, for the people from the island and people who come and visit the island. What’s really special about this is that this hasn’t happened in any club anywhere else in the world and we’re here. It’s unbelievable.

I actually think Pepe is my father, like my 'papá' but with different color skin. He has taught to me so well here in Ibiza and I feel absolutely honored and very proud to be sitting right here, with all people from Ibiza. It’s really important for me to be able to share the love of what’s happened in this island and for Pepe and of course Space. I’ve always seen it as the number 1 club in the world, no doubt. There is no other club that I feel more comfortable in the sense of what I do, share my music, and there is no other place in the world where I feel a part of a family, I feel at home when I come to Ibiza.

The first time I came to Ibiza was in 1984, when I landed with my sister Pamela and we hired a little FIAT 1. We drove the little FIAT 1 to San Antonio and we stayed in the field inside the FIAT 1 for a few days: no hotel, no 'dinero'… 'bocadillo' every day, 'jamón queso sandwich'… saving money so we had enough money to drive our FIAT 1 from San Antonio to Space Ibiza. For me, that was very special and from that point in 1984 to present days, I've come single year to this island. That’s how special is for me today to be here. Also to be honored with you, with your book today.

I’ve seen the book today for the first time, and if you go back in time in your memories and start thinking how many things you’ve done in your life based on where we are now and you look back on this, we are very young of course here, slim… there is pictures in there I wouldn’t recognize myself, it’s amazing to have this document in such a way that it all makes sense in where we are now to honor Pepe in this book 25th anniversary of Space and for me I’m very proud to be part of your history. Muchas gracias, 'papi'."


2014.10.21 - space ibiza - presentacion libro discursos 5"From the table there have been some beautiful, well deserved words for you Pep, and from what we hear, much has already has been said - so I’ll be brief. But from my brevity I do wish to thank you for the work you’ve done. As an Ibizan you were able to get a business to reach the highest levels in a tourist sector where we rank top in the world. But most of all you’ve been able to, with much of the little money (as he said it) that you received, revert it to Ibiza. That is very important. It was reverted to Ibiza with sports, culture and recreational activities for the island.

I want to thank you for the generosity you have shown, Pepe. And of course, I want my last words of thanks to be in Ibizan:

Moltes gràcies Pepe, com a evissenc, i molts anys i bons des del punt de vista empresarial!*"

[*:Many thanks, Pepe, as an Ibizan, and many good years from a business point of view!]

Read 11721 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 13:42